Simex DataLogger MultiLog 1 Channel

SKU : SRD-99W-1825-51-3-011


34,000.00 ฿

42,500.00 ฿

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The new MultiLog SRD-99A/W device is designed to record and display current values as well as to present technological parameters in the form of graphs. The device is equipped with up to eight universal inputs: temperature (RTD + TC) or analogue (mA + V), which enables connecting different types of sensors to one device, one pulse (digital) input for controlling the recording process; 2 electronic relays with max. load 24V AC (35V DC) 200 mA, USB PC port for direct (by cable) PC connection to share data and USB Host port (front or rear) for flash data storage and configuration transfer. White or amber colour LCD backlight available.Input 4-20mA 1 Channel

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